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Freedom of Choice & Direction


Freedom of



In today's age we have so much technology that we utilize to give us some kind of direction whether its to what direction you should go in regards to educational goals, career choices, fashion, finances, etc. The information on the Web today is endless and many, including myself at one point or another have turned to Google or any other search engines for searches to help in determining our paths. We look at statistics listed by others on the web. We search for ideas from others on the web. However, be careful not to stay stuck in that WEB because eventually webs get cleaned out and are gone.

Our God is a righteous God. He sent his only son Jesus to fulfill the ultimate sacrifice for us. Jesus came so that we could be FREE from our sins BUT also so that we could have the Holy Spirit instilled in us. The Holy Spirit is our intuition; it tells us when something is right or wrong. He came to give us freedom of choice. We have the CHOICE on which direction we want to lead ourselves. What choice are you making today to better yourself?

I had a dream last night that had a lot of detail that I wanted to share specific ones with you. I was in a huge church building and across the way, far in the distance on the other side of the sanctuary, I could see the pastors of the church I currently attend “Gods Family Bible Church”. They were sitting with their family, enjoying a sermon by a speaker that had come to visit. Just as I took a picture of them, someone came to ask me to assist with new guests that were coming in with kids that wanted to be signed into children’s church. I registered them and put them in one of the classrooms labeled “Yellow Room.” Suddenly, I ended up in this room with my husband Julio and someone attempted to come into the room. I sensed a negative aura as they began to open the door and immediately pushed the door closed before they could enter. At that moment I shouted, “NO, YOU CAN'T COME IN, I REFUSE TO ALLOW ANYMORE NEGATIVITY INTO MY LIFE!” Immediately after, the same person opened the door expressing a positive aura. As that vision began to fade, I heard these words of which really stuck out to me.

“Did you know that a vehicle has only 2 wheels that direct the direction of the vehicle? The other tires are made to follow suit.” I couldn’t stop thinking about those words after waking up, so I called my husband to speak with him about it and then began to write it out. There is so much to that question and statement.

  • The steering wheel sets the direction of the 2 leading wheels and the remaining wheels in the back will follow suit.

I like to think that God is at the steering wheel, steering us in the right direction, BUT first, I have to make sure that I am giving him the wheel because sometimes when trials come we may for a moment struggle with not being or feeling like we are in total control of the situations and circumstances in our lives.

As a vehicle: Metamorphic ally, one, must learn to let God steer them (the front wheels) into the right direction so that they may lead the (back wheels) in the right direction growing everyone together. We can translate this in so many ways, but as a whole in the world we live in, I think that our job is to allow God to take the wheel and we must rise up as leaders and be the front wheels allowing God to lead us in his direction so that we may stand in the gap of those that may be weak in spirit or who may not know God and his love and promise for us all, so that through the spirit the back wheels will follow. As the back wheels follow and receive Gods wisdom, they will become the front wheels that will continue the process of all of us rising together as soldiers of the most high; OUR GOD!

An AURA whether negative or positive, only has as much power as YOU give it!

Our minds are a powerful tool; an amazing creation of God and we must be mindful of it. What are you storing in your mind? What are you allowing yourself to be exposed to daily that may be affecting your thought process? Do you ask yourself questions to your own thoughts to test it for positivity or negativity? One, must be very cautious as to what they allow to reside in their minds because if negativity takes over, it poisons the mind. Make sure you don’t allow negativity to be your minds main tenant, make sure that positivity is your main tenant. You are the landlord of your mind. The result of negative thoughts will reflect in your attitude that may lead you to miss out on Gods blessings and opportunities for your life, but positivity will have you always looking for ways to better yourself and those around you regardless of the circumstance. EVICT negativity and sign a permanent lease with positivity. Darkness is the absence of light and always remember that YOU ARE THE LIGHT in the midst of darkness so whenever and wherever you show up, DARKNESS DISAPPEARS! CHOOSE TO BE THE LIGHT!!!!! BE THE LIGHT!

Yellow is a color that when many think of, they think of the sun. The sun is beautiful and bright and makes one feel uplifted, cheerful, peaceful. It is a form of light. When someone references to the word light; one may also think beyond just the sun, they may think of anything that gives off light, like a light bulb and a light bulb is sometimes used as a symbol of an idea or something that came to ones mind reflecting light on a situation. It helps in assisting your thought process, creating a sense of deep concentration that can lead to new creative ideas and energy to be brought upon someone or something at that moment.

According to the article written by Jacob Olesen; the Biblical Meaning of Colors, “ The second primary color is Yellow. The counterpart of this color is also mentioned in God’s principle in that: In I Peter 1:7, God talks about trials and purging. (The trial of faith will be more precious than Gold and be tried with fire). Here the meaning is: Yellow is associated with fire, which in turn, has always been associated with the purification process.”


Wisdom is vertical, it comes from God; Jesus is wisdom. There are several scriptures of WISDOM in the word and instructions of God, but here are just a few.

  • “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere” James 3:17

  • “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and UNITED in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3

Let's be encouraged and encourage others at HEART and UNITED in love so that we may receive Gods hidden treasures of WISDOM. Lets RISE UP TOGETHER!


Encouraged in HEART and United in LOVE


Olesen, J. (2020). Biblical Meaning Of Colors. Retrieved 27 April 2020, from

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